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Media Room

Speaker Services:

Author and publisher David Mathison is available to speak at your upcoming conference, event, or party.

Mr. Mathison is an experienced keynote, conference chair, moderator, interviewer, emcee, presenter, panelist, and guest.

Mathison has spoken at media and technology conferences throughout the world. One Latin American tour included presentations to professional medical librarians, entirely in Spanish, without an interpreter.

For booking, contact here.

Customized Presentations:
Each presentation is unique and customized to the specific requirements of your audience. Presentations will be provided to the hosts prior to the engagement, to ensure that the speech is on-topic.

Handouts can be delivered upon request.

Q: Do you keynote, chair, and moderate? How about luncheons and banquets?
I have organized entire conferences, staffed the panels, and served as keynote, chairman, interviewer, emcee, moderator, and panelist. Engagements for keynotes, moderator, or Chair require significant advance notice, and rates are structured accordingly.

I have "served" at luncheons and banquets, and understand the unique requirements of presenting before, during, or just after a meal has been served.

I am especially strong at openings and closings. To start, you need to wake the crowd up, and get them prepared for the show to come. To close, you need to make people feel good about the presentation they just witnessed.

And of course, you need a rousing call to action - to support an issue, vote for a candidate, donate to a worthy cause, buy a book, CD, DVD, or seminar series, or, just leave the building. This is show business, you've put up the Big Top, and I'm your PT Barnum.

Q: What is the typical duration of your presentation?
Presentations are entirely flexible, anywhere from 30 minutes to full-on, week-end seminars. BE THE MEDIA is a BIG book - there is plenty of material to cover! However, chapters (and sections within each chapter) are modular, so that we can cut or expand presentations as necessary.

For example, the Internet chapter could take up a full-day seminar (covering List-Building, Search Engine Optimization, Links, AutoResponders, Shopping Carts, etc). Alternatively, we can cover just one section of the chapter  in a one hour breakout session (Search Engine Optimization). Or, just one sidebar in a 15-30 minute presentation (Off-Page Search Engine Optimization).

I will do whatever is necessary to accommodate your requirements.

Here is a strategy that could save you money - by having me available for both a keynote presentation and breakout session later in the day, you get two speakers for the price of one, and save on travel and expenses.

Q: Will you have books, CDs, and DVDs available?
Some groups want me to bring books for back-of-the-room sales, some don't. I am flexible. If book sales are requested, I can provide significant discounts for bulk sales in advance.

Books, CDs, and DVDs can be used as giveaways for attendees, sign-up premiums for early-bird reservations, door prizes, or table centerpieces. Why waste money on centerpiece flowers that will be thrown away, when attendees can leave with a valuable book that serves as a memory of the conference? It'll probably cost about the same. Save the flowers for a wedding or Valentine's Day. This is business!

Some (rare) presentations prefer not to have my books and products compete with their own sales, in which case my price per presentation is slightly higher, and I leave the books at the office.

Q: Unique money-back guarantee
I regularly hand out performance appraisals after the presentation to get feedback from the audience. If the majority of audience ratings are below average, I will refund your money.

Try and find another speaker that provides a performance guarantee.

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