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Media Room:
David Mathison is the curator of the Chief Digital
Officer summit and founder of the CDO Club.
Mathison is the world’s leading authority on Chief Digital and Data officers,
and has been quoted by American Banker, CIO.com, CIO-UK, CMS Wire, CNBC,
Computer Weekly, Computerworld, Diginomica, EdTech Magazine, FedTech Magazine,
Fierce CIO, Financial Times, Forbes, Guardian, Huffington Post, I-CIO, McKinsey
& Company, MIT Sloan Management Review, VentureBeat, Wall Street Journal, and
ZDNet, among others.
He was previously the founder and Managing Director of the Digital Media
practice at Chadick Ellig, a premiere executive search consultancy named by
Business Week as “one of the world’s most influential headhunters.
Mathison’s book, BE THE MEDIA, was featured in the NY Times after he pre-sold
over 5,000 copies in 11 days via his web site, Twitter, and Facebook.
He has given keynote presentations everywhere from Columbia University to the
United Nations (3 times in 2010), from Austin (SXSW) and Amsterdam to Zagreb,
From 1999-2001 he was founder and CEO of the Kinecta Corporation where he raised
$30 million in under 2 years. Kinecta was acquired and is now part of Oracle
From 1994-1999 Mathison was Vice President with Thomson Reuters, the world’s
largest news agency, where he pioneered online content syndication.
Mathison earned his Masters degree from Columbia University in 1995.
For more pictures click here
David Mathison is an
internationally recognized media expert with more than 20 years experience in
content distribution. Some of the world's
largest - and smallest - publishers use his solutions to
directly connect with massive audiences for maximum
exposure. His legacy provides global citizens with free news, financial data,
audio and video information on the web's most popular sites.
extension of Mathison's award-winning work in eliminating inefficiencies in
publishing, providing all participants with more egalitarian, democratic and
open systems. The book is the result of a decentralized, collaborative effort by
some of today's leading media activists, educators and experts. BE THE MEDIA
offers solid, practical and proven techniques that show artists how to
inexpensively create and widely distribute their content.
Mathison has been interviewed by Dow Jones, Reuters,
Publish, Upside and EContent, among many others. Mathison's
initiatives have covered by leading
including Forrester Research, JupiterMedia,
Yankee Group, Giga
Group, META Group, Delphi, Gartner Group,
Patricia Seybold Group,
IDC, Outsell and the UK-based firms Ovum, NetImperatives
and Bloor Research, among others.
Articles on Mathison have appeared on CNN.com, in the Financial
the Harvard Business Review, Esther Dyson's Release 1.0, Fortune,
Upside, The New York Times, Computer Letter, the Seybold
Report, Demo Letter, CNet, Red Herring, MacWorld,
Internet Week, InfoWorld, Computer World, Interactive Week,
Information Week, Newspapers and Technology and XML.com, among many
others. He was invited by Inc. Magazine to join a panel of CEOs to
evaluate barter sites.
panelist, moderator or chairman, Mathison has presented at conferences
across all segments of the media, such as Digital Hollywood, Book Tech,
Streaming Media, Seybold Publishing, Internet World, and
Internet Outlook, among many others. In July 2004 he was Chairman of
Publicity for "Declarations of Media Independence" conference. Internationally, he has appeared at
UK Online, the Frankfurt Book Fair, the Cairo Book Fair, and
he made presentations entirely in Spanish to librarians throughout Central and
South America.
Mathison currently serves on
the following boards:
Home Aid America: a non-profit
organization that builds and maintains dignified housing where homeless families
and individuals can rebuild their lives. HomeAid’s shelters serve abused
children, victims of domestic violence, homeless veterans, at-risk teens, people
living with HIV/AIDS, the temporarily unemployed, and victims of natural
disasters and other catastrophes.
Speakers Without Borders:
an international non-profit created to support professional speakers who are
committed to inspiring the human spirit in under-served communities though the
power of the spoken word. (Treasurer and founding Board member)
Mathison previously served on the
following boards:
Board of Conveners:
Marin Community Media Center. The board co-wrote the by-laws and selected
the founding Board of Directors for Marin's new non-profit community media
center. (San Rafael, CA. 2007-8)
Board of Directors: The
Mountain Play Association. (Mill Valley, CA. 2007-8)
Board of Directors: Media Freedom Foundation:
supports First Amendment organizations and investigative research (Sonoma, CA.
Board of Directors:
Webhood.org is a non-profit entity whose mission is to break down income
related barriers to computer education for underprivileged and at-risk youth
(Cambridge, MA).
Advisory Board: StyleMob.com,
an online community for fashion inspiration. Bought by Glam (12/07)
Advisory Board: San Francisco Dragons,
a Major League Lacrosse team (2006-8)
holds a B.A. from the
State University of New York, and a Masters degree in International
Business with a focus in East Asian studies from Columbia University's School of
International and Public Affairs.
Resume can
be found here.
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Kinecta Corporation (1998 - 2001)
Chairman and CEO.
Kinecta enables large publishers to manage robust content relationships.
a "Napster for Adults," Kinecta won awards from
Seybold Publishing, ComputerWorld
and Crossroads.
Kinecta was acquired by Stellent Inc,
a provider of enterprise content management solutions with over 4,400 customers,
including much of the Global 2000.
November 2006, Stellent was acquired by
for $440 million.
Some of the world's most trusted and
respected publishers used the Kinecta syndication platform:

Reuters, Ltd
(1994 - 1999)
Vice President, Syndication. Mathison created numerous products that
enabled Reuters' to pioneer the business model of content
syndication on the internet.
Mathison's products allowed millions of global internet
users to view free financial data, news, photos, audio, video and multimedia
Giving the general public free and direct access to critical
breaking news makes them better informed citizens and decision-makers.
Reuters is the world's largest international news and
television agency with journalists, photographers and camera operators in 216
news bureaus.
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ComputerWorld Magazine
"Top 100 Emerging Companies to Watch,
was selected for providing innovative technology and solutions that streamline content delivery, allowing companies to bypass the use of an intermediary."
"Kinecta's content distribution infrastructure reduces the cost of doing
business online and increases the value of business relationships by automating
the distribution and management of information and content between networked
partners and affiliates."

syndication is a proven application within the media and publishing industries
and is rapidly being adopted as a foundation for business-to-business commerce
and collaboration," said Nina G. Lytton, editor of the Crossroads A-List Awards.
"Kinecta Interact helps companies tighten their relationships with
partners and gives IT managers the opportunity to standardize previously
undisciplined processes for which they were held accountable."
Report on Internet Publishing “Hot
Pick” (2000)
The Seybold Hot Picks spotlight
exceptional products and technologies that are particularly relevant to
professional publishing.
"Content syndication is becoming an important topic for many publishers. Any
publisher interested in broadening the availability of its content should take a
look at Kinecta Interact," said Patricia Evans, managing editor, Seybold
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How to Create and Accelerate Your Message...Your Way
Compiled by David Mathison (natural E creative, 2009)
Forewords by Kevin Kelly and Douglas Rushkoff
The goal of BE THE MEDIA is
to promote positive social change by enabling people-powered, community-based,
participatory media.
The book helps independent artists
create and distribute content without selling their royalties, rights or souls
in the process.
Published in June 2009.
Content" by Mai-lan
Thomsen (Addison Wesley; 2000)
From Foreword by David Mathison:
"The worlds of content, commerce and advertising on the Internet are colliding
and intersecting, unlocking tremendous new opportunities and revenue streams.
The merchandising of content allows publishers to turn content into a product
that can be cataloged, inventoried and sold. Content providers that understand
and leverage this fundamental shift can merchandize and syndicate their digital
assets to take advantage of new pricing, advertising, and distribution models.
These new models unlock powerful and diversified revenue streams on the Internet
that were previously unimaginable"
Secrets to Venture Capital" by Brian E Hill
and Dee Power (Wiley; 2001)
Excerpts from Mathison's quotes:
"What do the VCs contribute to your company?"
"Insight, advice, contacts, experience, and, of course, capital."
"What surprised you about
working with VCs?"
"The ecosystem of the VC community and where each particular VC fits in. An
entrepreneur needs to know a VCs investment portfolio criteria, what stage
company they invest in, and what percentage stake they prefer." |
Handbook" by
Brian Goldfarb (Prentice Hall)
XML Handbook, 4.0; Fourth Edition (2001)
XML Handbook, 3.0; Third Edition (2000)
Kinecta was quoted in the third and fourth editions, and contributed
a chapter on the implementation of ICE (Information Content and Exchange) in the
third edition. |
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Radio Interviews:
Carol Brouillet:
"Media Renaissance: From Selling War to Serving Life" (November 12,
This interview with BE THE MEDIA publisher David Mathison compares
today's digital media renaissance with previous pivotal periods in human
history such as the Axial Age (800-200 BC), the Carolingian
Renaissance (800-900 AD), and the European Renaissance (1400-1700
AD). |
Julie Motz - Force and Feeling (September 4, 2007)
Author, healer, and KWMR radio host of Force and Feeling Julie Motz
interviews David Mathison about his book, BE THE MEDIA, and his community
media activism. A transcript will be available soon. |
The Tony Trupiano Show
(April 12, 2005)
Tony Trupiano, host of The Tony Show, interviews David
Mathison about his upcoming book, BE THE MEDIA. They discuss how
independents and progressives can be successful without selling their souls
to corporate media. Mr. Trupiano was a Democratic candidate for Congress in
2006. |
The Ronn Owens Show (January 12, 2005)
KGO radio host and Voice of Reason author Ronn
Owens interviews David Mathison about FCC Chairman Michael Powell. Ronn's
interview with Michael Powell was interrupted towards the end by surprise
caller Howard Stern. The original audio broadcast interview of Michael
Powell by Ronn Owens, interupted at the end by surprise caller Howard Stern
(plus transcript!), is available on the
MEDIA blog. |
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TV Appearances:
Mountain View
(October 4, 2007)
Mel Van Deusen interviews author and publisher David Mathison about his book, BE
THE MEDIA. Video will be available soon. |
KPIX-5, San Francisco
(September 27, 2007)
David Mathison was moderator of the California State Senate forum, featuring
incumbent State Senator Carole Migden and candidates Assemblyman Mark Leno and
SF Police Commissioner Joe Alioto Veronese. The event was covered by CBS-5 KPIX
reporter Manuel Ramos. |
The Media - Community Media Panel Series
(September 6, 2007)
David Mathison hosted a panel on Community Media with guests Larry Bragman,
Mayor of Fairfax, CA and member of the Marin Telecommunications Agency; Julie
Akins, Executive Director of Petaluma Community Access; Attorney Peter Franck,
Chairman of Media Action Marin; and Flor Emert, Director of the Marin Community
Media Center.
The panel explored the benefits of
community media, and the opportunities for continued operational funding of
Marin's new facility. |
Marin Report
(February, 2005)
Curtis Kim of the multiple award-winning Marin Report interviews
author and publisher David Mathison.
The interview discusses Mathison's upcoming
book, BE THE MEDIA. |
Business Now
Stephanie Abrams interviews Kinecta
Corporation Chairman and CEO David Mathison.
This interview focuses on the
importance of syndication to both traditional and online businesses.
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Articles and Interviews:
Now! (April 2007)
Be The Media is featured as a success story for Democracy Now!
"A chapter in the book describes how a lecture given by Amy Goodman inspired
Marin County, CA media activists to have Democracy Now! broadcast on the local
public access station. By mobilizing community support, they won the right to a
community media center with local public access channels, and a $2.5 million
grant from Comcast." |
Francisco Bay Guardian (April 2006)
In SF Bay Guardian's "Free the press" issue,
Be The Media is featured as
a group helping to reform San Francisco Bay media, along with Media Action
Marin, Media-Alliance, and the Action Coalition for Media Education (ACME). |
Magazine's Guide to the Content Companies to Watch (2002)
The article mentions the importance of Kinecta's patent-pending content
tracking technology, Content Metrics, developed by Kinecta co-founders
Arthur Do, Adam Souzis and David Mathison. Content Metrics
provides companies with usage statistics for their syndicated content on partner
sites. It can record click-throughs of URLs embedded in content, providing page
view and unique visitor data for designated content packages. |
Q & A with David Mathison (February 2001)
In this Publish Magazine interview, David Mathison explores the
reasons for founding the Kinecta Corporation, which provides infrastructure that
streamlines the syndication process for global content providers such as
Fidelity, the Financial Times, the Economist and Reuters. It also looks at his
role as former vice president of global syndication for Reuters, where he built
products in the mid-1990's designed to deliver Reuters financial, text, audio,
video and multimedia content over the internet instead of costly satellite, FM
and terrestrial methods. |
Syndication pg 1 pg 2 (April
In this interview/profile, David Mathison discusses the importance of
using a syndication platform like Kinecta's because it provides a
direct connection between content providers and subscribers, as opposed to
an outsourced service with an intermediary in the middle. This is especially
true for publishers that wish to maintain full control over their
content, brand and partnerships. |
Management Magazine (February 22, 2001)
David Mathison asserts that companies can fully realize the value of
their content by leveraging the syndication model - the simultaneous publication
of content to multiple outlets.
Syndication of content can strengthen alliances,
benefit partners, attract users,
increase market reach of a content provider's brand, reduce the costs of
acquiring new customers and generate incremental revenue through subscription
fees or advertising revenue share. |
Interview with David Mathison of Kinecta (January 29, 2001)
From this interview with David Mathison: "Syndication technology plays a
key role in the content distribution process, and it is an essential tool for
the materialization of any business model based on online content...Kinecta
has been the among the very first companies to enter this space. David
Mathison, founder and CEO, has been around a long time..." |
Companies See the Importance of Collaboration (January 11, 2001)
In this interview with Upside, David Mathison discusses how painful it
was to distribute digital assets in the early 1990's, since all the big players
- AOL, CompuServe, Prodigy, etc. - had proprietary online systems. To deliver
content, one had to write in the Blackbird format to deliver to Microsoft, or
Rainman to get into AOL. The environment was a heterogeneous mess, therefore
only large publishers could leverage the syndication model. |
Interactive Week (November 13, 2000)
"Realizing the Value of Online Content." In this article David Mathison
wrote for Ziff Davis, he
discusses syndicated distribution and exchange with other companies to mutual
advantage. |
and interview archive:
Here are more articles
and interviews with David Mathison.
Here is a detailed list of
articles related to David Mathison, his products, companies, and work.
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About the
Based in California with a New York sales office,
natural E creative group is a diversified media company with properties in
print, broadcast, interactive and licensed goods.
natural E creative
publishes the book and Internet presence for "Be The Media." David Mathison
has been Chairman and CEO since 2002.
Interview or Contact David Mathison:
1110 Jericho Turnpike
Second Floor
New Hyde Park, NY 11040
Tel: (516) 488-1143
Fax: (516) 488-4111
E-mail: david@bethemedia.com
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